Amber Moore's Blog


Group Investigation: Renewable Resources


Gifted Endorsement: Action Research – Group Investigation

I began this group investigation by presenting these pictures and question to my students.

What questions do you have about the positive and negative effects these resources have on the environment? 

I then asked them to come up with at least 3 questions, and their questions must include one of these words.

I had them leave the questions on their desks and do a museum walk to read the others’ questions. It was time to start their research. In groups of 2 or 3, they investigated not only the positives, but the negatives of renewable energy sources.

They created posters to share what they had learned.

Finally, they had the opportunity to share their posters with the rest of the class. My students really enjoyed this entire process. I had students tell me coming up with the questions was really fun, and another said they were surprised with the ease of it! Of course working together is always engaging, and they did a fantastic job!

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